Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Go to the gym

It's about 5:30 Eastern Standard time, I was up till about 12:00 last nite and I'm tired.  Nothing beats an early morning workout.  I had (3) high profile clients squeezing me for estimates yesterday, if your a real salesperson you know what it feels like when clients want to throw their money at you and your team doesn't have their pricing ready, the company I sell for builds custom products.

Anyways, back to the gym. With all this work pressure to perform and client pressure to make them look good on top of pressure from my better half, I need a release.

The gym takes the jitters out of my day and builds back my confidence. I suggest working very early in the morning, it will start your day right and it gives you time to think.

I don't care who you are or even how old, do not just do cardio, it's worthless.  Go on ABC bodybuiling.com they can help.


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